Thursday, November 13, 2014

Well doctor.........

Well doctor...... it's like this. I was on my way to my afternoon job and i ran into an old friend outside of Starbucks. We said hello and you know regular conversation when you don't see someone in a while. So after we talked i told him that i work at Cally's coffee shop and he said he'll visit sometime. Then i was back on my way to work which doesn't start for another half hour.  I stopped in at Georges' grocery store. Which is owned by my best friends parents. So i said hello to them too and went on my way. I was hungry, since i didn't eat lunch so i went to the nearest QT and got a sausage burger. As i was eating my fill i heard a noise outside of QT and went to look and i saw a giant dragon crushing the gas pumps i thought they would explode, but nothing happened. We were all waiting for something to happen. But i looked away and started walking in the other direction. I kinda regret leaving those people behind to deal with that creature. But i have to get to work. The last time i was late i thought my boss would eat my head off my shoulders. But luckily i had a great excuse because i was stopped by an accident in the street that came on the sidewalk and i was kinda injured i guess laugh out loud.  My first day on this job was so confusing that i never actually got how to do it either. Well nobody gave me help when i asked for it either, so i had to figure it out on my own. And now i'm at the top of my work place. I then arrived at my destination and then a cow flew out of nowhere and landed on me and that's how i got here.

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