Thursday, December 4, 2014


RED is the color of fire
Red is bright
Red taste like red peppers
Red smells like roses
Red sounds like a volcano
Red looks like a warm summer night
Red makes me nuts
Red is my favorite color.
PINK is the color lemonade
Pink is hot
Pink taste like strawberries
Pink smells like lip balm
Pink sounds calming
Pink looks like a sunset
Pink makes me excited
Pink is my favorite color.
ORANGE is the color of leaves
Orange is loud
Orange taste like an orange
Orange smells tangy
Orange sounds like squishy squishy squishy
Orange looks round
Orange makes me smile
Orange is my favorite color.
YELLOW is the color of bananas
Yellow is mellow
Yellow taste like sunshine
Yellow smells like lemons
Yellow sounds like a popping noise
Yellow looks like the sun
Yellow makes me sad
Yellow is my favorite color.
GREEN is the color of  swaying grass 
Green is the earth
Green taste like healthy foods
Green smells like herbs
Green sounds like water drops
Green looks like a grasshopper
Green makes me happy and alive
Green is my favorite color.
BLUE is the color of ripping waves
Blue is calming
Blue taste like blueberries
Blue smells like misty rain
Blue sounds like water drops
Blue looks like the ocean
Blue makes me cloudy
Blue is my favorite color.
VIOLET is the color of a plum tree
Violet is soothing
Violet taste like grapes
Violet smells like girly perfume
Violet sounds like the the beautiful piano
Violet looks like clouds
Violet gives me control
Violet is my favorite color.
Black is the color of death
Black is darkness
Black taste like poisoning
Black smells like charcoal
Black sounds like blood boiling
Black looks like space
Black makes me cry
Black is not my favorite color.