Monday, September 22, 2014

Which 5 movie characters or TV characters would I want to fall in love with?

If I could fall in love with 5 movie characters or TV characters! Who would they be? Well my first choice would be Styles off of Teen Wolf. The reason would be because of how he so smart and he doesn't know it. He is always trying to make things better than it seems. He also encourages people o to do the right thing no matter what the cost is. I love how he loves to take a chance and not be afraid of whats to come.  The second choice would be Liam off of Teen Wolf. He's not afraid to show his fears to anybody. But he's insecure about his self and how he can't control his shifting yet. My third choice would have to be Damon Salvatore off the TV show The Vampire Diaries. He's dangerous, outgoing, and I love how he tries to keep his emotions under control. No matter what you do he can't resist loving you. He always comes back to you and I love that about him. Well the fourth choice is Alec Lightwood from The Immortal Instruments. He may be gay but boy is he hot. His hair is amazingly gorgeous. He has attitude that you just can't get rid of. He speaks his mind when he wants to. He's not afraid to say something that might hurt somebody. I am in love with Green Arrow off of Arrow the TV show. I love how he has to fulfill what his father wanted even though he has to kill people to do that. I love how he likes to safe incident citizens. And cute as heck!!! OH and how he used to be a rich boy who couldn't get past the money, but now he's changed from coming back from the island. He's strong to hold up what his father created and he wants to correct and destroy what they did. 


  1. All of these characters are out of this world beings; good luck to your future special someone!
