Friday, October 31, 2014

In the left corner, behind the filing cabinet.....

In the left corner, behind the filing cabinet their were secret doors. They are enormous with European elegance. They look carved with reinforced panels that are dotted with decorative nails, and the paint carries through effect of a courtyard entry to an french, Spanish, or Italian estate. So now that i'm here next to them their beautiful to the fullest. I walk forward to the doors and find a key hole, but not one that uses a key to unlock it either. So as i walk towards it i hear a noise off to the right of the filing cabinets and i look towards the noise faster than i thought was possible. I see beautiful wings that are all white and sparkly and shiny. Its flying at me and i can't move. Its like i'm in a trance. I have a feeling that its not very friendly and it wants something too. But the wings are so pretty. I haven't seen the face at all. I don't even know if it has a face. I want to touch it so badly that i start walking forward to it and here a swoosh sound like wings taking off. But before i can turn my head i see a blinding light strike my eyes to were i went slightly blind for a second. I never thought about if magically creatures were real. When i had dreams when i was little they were always about the books i read nothing supernatural.  I've always had trouble using my imagination. I guess that means i wasn't very good at creative writing either. So thats probably why me trying to be a creative writer didn't work out either. So i failed at doing anything including the imagination part of my brain.  so i guess i'll never succeed in any that uses my imagination.

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