Friday, October 24, 2014

The one place in the world I would want to live.

The one place in the world i would want to live is in Oia Village in Santorini, Greece. One reason would be because its so beautiful and peaceful, it looks like.  The island has a volcano and pretty scenery and i could relax doing nothing really. Also i would love to see their amazing sunset i bet its gorgeous. I would also to read as many books on the beaches i can. And maybe get a nice tan too. Another reason i would love to go there is to see all their shops and tourist sites and become acquainted with the local people too. I love the building structures. The pop of color is gorgeous too. The only reason i wouldn't like to go there is because of all the walking up and down the stairs and up hills and stuff. I want to go scuba diving in the bright blue ocean, To swim also. It would be fun to do whatever i want to do with out being on a schedule. Cause my family is always on a schedule and i hate it.

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