Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Poems about Balloons

I should be thinking about you

but I am thinking
about inevitabilities.

Like how my dog's life will end before mine.
And how my heart isn't even beating half the time.

Maybe it would be better to relax our grip.
take our eyes from the sky
feel the string slip

There's biology and there's sociology and there's
of other people out there, man.


We'll pop
either way
or deflate
someday.   By Matthew

The Red Balloon

High above the world I fly

Deep red against a bright blue sky

Such a shame I was let go

By a young girl

Who now I’ll never know

But oh did she cry

And her mother did try

But I was gone

Floating into space

Her daddy tried to keep up pace

But I was much too high

And much too fast

In a few years, I’ll be a thing of the past

She won’t even remember the day

She let a pretty red balloon get away

-Jessica Evans 


She is a balloon
Don't get caught chasing her
You will get tangled in her string
Or next time you look down you will be too far off the ground and you wont be able to float back down and you will be stuck up there forever
- BY Melonee Peterson

and there in his hand
balloon of bright colors 
not even rain will damp that smile
come on shine like a child's mind
all that darkness you feel is just state of mind
if anyone can smile in the rain you can
he is as free as happiness could be
in the living breathing dream of his balloon
no lonely dreamers in a child's eyes
all just strange wonderful stories in the 
wondrous playhouse we call a world
come on shine like a child's mind
our toys will all too soon fade away
let us rejoice in our laughter
rejoice in eachothers dream
child at heart is who i am
lets go find you a balloon
so you can shine like a child's mind
-Mark John Junor 

Thursday, December 4, 2014


RED is the color of fire
Red is bright
Red taste like red peppers
Red smells like roses
Red sounds like a volcano
Red looks like a warm summer night
Red makes me nuts
Red is my favorite color.
PINK is the color lemonade
Pink is hot
Pink taste like strawberries
Pink smells like lip balm
Pink sounds calming
Pink looks like a sunset
Pink makes me excited
Pink is my favorite color.
ORANGE is the color of leaves
Orange is loud
Orange taste like an orange
Orange smells tangy
Orange sounds like squishy squishy squishy
Orange looks round
Orange makes me smile
Orange is my favorite color.
YELLOW is the color of bananas
Yellow is mellow
Yellow taste like sunshine
Yellow smells like lemons
Yellow sounds like a popping noise
Yellow looks like the sun
Yellow makes me sad
Yellow is my favorite color.
GREEN is the color of  swaying grass 
Green is the earth
Green taste like healthy foods
Green smells like herbs
Green sounds like water drops
Green looks like a grasshopper
Green makes me happy and alive
Green is my favorite color.
BLUE is the color of ripping waves
Blue is calming
Blue taste like blueberries
Blue smells like misty rain
Blue sounds like water drops
Blue looks like the ocean
Blue makes me cloudy
Blue is my favorite color.
VIOLET is the color of a plum tree
Violet is soothing
Violet taste like grapes
Violet smells like girly perfume
Violet sounds like the the beautiful piano
Violet looks like clouds
Violet gives me control
Violet is my favorite color.
Black is the color of death
Black is darkness
Black taste like poisoning
Black smells like charcoal
Black sounds like blood boiling
Black looks like space
Black makes me cry
Black is not my favorite color.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Flowers are beautiful. They brighten up the world with their bright colors and smells. They come in all different shapes and sizes. You have yellow ones, you have Callas, Chrysanthemum, Daffodils, Freesias, Sunflowers, Black- eyed Susan, Daylilies, Graham Thomas rose, and Iris's too. We have blues too: Blue Hydrangea's, Clematis, Bluestars, Lead plants, Bell flowers, Salvia, Aster, and Morning glories.            

Graham Thomas Rose



Thursday, November 13, 2014

Well doctor.........

Well doctor...... it's like this. I was on my way to my afternoon job and i ran into an old friend outside of Starbucks. We said hello and you know regular conversation when you don't see someone in a while. So after we talked i told him that i work at Cally's coffee shop and he said he'll visit sometime. Then i was back on my way to work which doesn't start for another half hour.  I stopped in at Georges' grocery store. Which is owned by my best friends parents. So i said hello to them too and went on my way. I was hungry, since i didn't eat lunch so i went to the nearest QT and got a sausage burger. As i was eating my fill i heard a noise outside of QT and went to look and i saw a giant dragon crushing the gas pumps i thought they would explode, but nothing happened. We were all waiting for something to happen. But i looked away and started walking in the other direction. I kinda regret leaving those people behind to deal with that creature. But i have to get to work. The last time i was late i thought my boss would eat my head off my shoulders. But luckily i had a great excuse because i was stopped by an accident in the street that came on the sidewalk and i was kinda injured i guess laugh out loud.  My first day on this job was so confusing that i never actually got how to do it either. Well nobody gave me help when i asked for it either, so i had to figure it out on my own. And now i'm at the top of my work place. I then arrived at my destination and then a cow flew out of nowhere and landed on me and that's how i got here.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Poem Yellow Lilies and Rain

Bright colored petals, with spots of blue
A field of lilies like brand new.

Either direction you look, you see them for miles
Every time you see them you just want to smile.

When they relive again for another year
You're happy they reappear.

They are glorious during the spring
And the birds are singing

Birds using their enormous voices
Making beautiful choices

Flying all around the lilies
Thanking its not chilly

Purple and white lilies in the water
By the shore of saltwater

Lilies are the bright of my day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

TCC (Tulsa Community College) Questions

What makes TCC ( Tulsa Community College) unique is that its big and friendly towards people that are new and have a hard time finding things. What I liked most about the trip is that it was fun and you don't just stand there through a whole long lecture. What i like least about Tulsa Community College is that there was alot of walking. And its a very confusing layout of buildings. Some of the popular activities or clubs at TCC were the fitness center where there were a lot of weights and equipment that i don't know the names of.  One other club or activity is

Friday, October 31, 2014

In the left corner, behind the filing cabinet.....

In the left corner, behind the filing cabinet their were secret doors. They are enormous with European elegance. They look carved with reinforced panels that are dotted with decorative nails, and the paint carries through effect of a courtyard entry to an french, Spanish, or Italian estate. So now that i'm here next to them their beautiful to the fullest. I walk forward to the doors and find a key hole, but not one that uses a key to unlock it either. So as i walk towards it i hear a noise off to the right of the filing cabinets and i look towards the noise faster than i thought was possible. I see beautiful wings that are all white and sparkly and shiny. Its flying at me and i can't move. Its like i'm in a trance. I have a feeling that its not very friendly and it wants something too. But the wings are so pretty. I haven't seen the face at all. I don't even know if it has a face. I want to touch it so badly that i start walking forward to it and here a swoosh sound like wings taking off. But before i can turn my head i see a blinding light strike my eyes to were i went slightly blind for a second. I never thought about if magically creatures were real. When i had dreams when i was little they were always about the books i read nothing supernatural.  I've always had trouble using my imagination. I guess that means i wasn't very good at creative writing either. So thats probably why me trying to be a creative writer didn't work out either. So i failed at doing anything including the imagination part of my brain.  so i guess i'll never succeed in any that uses my imagination.

Friday, October 24, 2014

The one place in the world I would want to live.

The one place in the world i would want to live is in Oia Village in Santorini, Greece. One reason would be because its so beautiful and peaceful, it looks like.  The island has a volcano and pretty scenery and i could relax doing nothing really. Also i would love to see their amazing sunset i bet its gorgeous. I would also to read as many books on the beaches i can. And maybe get a nice tan too. Another reason i would love to go there is to see all their shops and tourist sites and become acquainted with the local people too. I love the building structures. The pop of color is gorgeous too. The only reason i wouldn't like to go there is because of all the walking up and down the stairs and up hills and stuff. I want to go scuba diving in the bright blue ocean, To swim also. It would be fun to do whatever i want to do with out being on a schedule. Cause my family is always on a schedule and i hate it.

Monday, October 20, 2014

wondorous world of 1990

People in 1968 thought in 2000 we would be wearing large earrings that would transmit radio and a computer signals. Their talking about how we'll be living the dream and that we will have all the technology they didn't have. We Americans are getting smarter and have better health advantages. They believe that medical scientist can predict that our life spans will be expanded from 70 yrs to 100 yrs. Our population will go up to about 300 million.

The waters by Babylon popplet

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I was stuck.........

I was stuck in a dream i wish was real.I have many dreams, but this one is the best. I never get caught and i don't have to behave. I can do anything i want without parents telling me what to do. I live in a big house with 4 guard dogs with high security. My favorite part of this dream is when i see my best friend who died 10 years ago. I miss her very much. I remember her the same way she was before she died. The beautiful long brown hair was always up in braids; she never liked it down. She's was always wearing that flowing white dress her parents hated. Her parents moved away from Story brook after has died. They were heart broken. They just couldn't believe their daughter was the person to drive while texting. They cried for weeks. Then they decided they to leave. Not even a good bye to her best friend. ME!!! After that i couldn't think about anything else, but her and how she could of just left me here to deal with everybody and their sympathy. I hate those words "I'm sorry", "Are you okay". I mean if i wasn't okay i would not be walking around here like i am; but i just can't move on. She was like a sister to me i couldn't move on. Not from her.But in my dream she's perfect. Theirs nothing wrong with her shes not on drugs she's happy for the first time I've ever heard her be. Like when i talk to her now i feel like we actually have something to talk about. She's so pretty i wish she would come back and help me get through this and move on, but i know that will never happen.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The conversation between Mr. Triangle and Mrs. Circle

Mr.Triangle- Good morning Mrs. Circle! How was your weekend? Mrs. Circle- It went pretty good! So how is your grandson Circumference? Mr.Triangle- He's doing fine, but he can't figure out how to get his profession going. He wants to teach little squares how to count. Ms. Circle- Where is Square today usually he is running around the room looking for adventure? Mr.Triangle- Here let me call him down from upstairs. SQUARE come down stairs!!. Square- Yes papa i was doing my homework from Circumference class today. What do you want papa? Mr.Triangle- I want to say hello to Ms.Circle she came here for some of you're pie. Square- OH yes i made some last night. Let me go get some for you Ms.Circle. Mrs. Circle- Of course square i can wait. I would love to talk to you're pa here. So how are you doing today Mr.Triangle? How is Mr.Wiggles your dog? Mr.Triangle- He's doing just fine thank you for asking. So your grandchild how is she doing with schooling in Blankford? Mrs. Circle- Flowers is having a hard time fitting in with all the older kids in her grade, but shes doing alright she told and called me last night. Mr.Triangle- That's good. Good good!! Oh here comes Square with your pie. He was up all night making those. I had one this morning for breakfast i think he did something a little different this time. Hope u like it! Mrs. Circle-OH i bet it's delicious he always makes them so good that i can't stop eating them after i start. Mr.Triangle- That happens to me too. I don't know how he makes them so good i mean i use to think they weren't going to be good because he didn't know how to bake or cook, but as it turns out he can ain't that surprising?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Cold Equation

I believe the ethical dilemma would have to be is that instead of a man who is selfish and deceiving its a girl who has no clue what she got herself into. Now nobody can save her. There could of been another solution. Which would have been to just call one the of the giant ships to come back and pick her up,but nobody did so that's their lost. The blame would have to go to the girl because she knew that it was wrong to pass that door that said stay out. If you have one pig with a disease then its better to kill it then let the other pigs get the disease also.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My favorite Disney character or movie character and why?

My favorite Disney character is Olaf the talking snowman in Frozen. He is so cute and adorable. And he never dies!!  The reason why i love him is because he's funny and charming. His nose is made out of a carrot. Carrots are very healthy and good for your eyes. And he's in charge. He doesn't let anybody tell him what to do. Hes a very great singer who can joke around and everything. He reminds me of an adult that hasn't grown up yet. Hes so cute a small the way imagined a snowman to be. I could just go up an hug him to death.

His quality's are:
  • HE LOVES WARM HUGS ( i'm great at those) :)
My second favorite Disney character would have to be Lord Milori off of Secret of The Wings. He's kind and he doesn't try to deceive but he does with out knowing. He's strict, but not to strict where he makes someone cry. All he does is keep fairies from getting hurt just like he did. He broke a wing for the women he loves.And now he can never see her again i would marry him right away in a heart beat. 
  • CUTE

Monday, September 29, 2014

Wings and Lace

            Today has been incredible. We went to see the crystallizing waterfall where all the warrior fairies meet for important meetings with the king. I saw so many warriors, there were some that had on armor that protects you from dragon fire. Others wearing gowns of gold and silver lace. The elves wearing gold and silver are our high court elves. We hold honor much higher than most species. We proud our self's in courage, honour, bravery, intelligence, energized, and discipline. We are the elves of Elderdore! After coming home to the corder Elsa and me went to the dining hall in my uncles house. Myrna can make the best Brochette it's to die for. Oh her Fritule is amazing delicious.
We go to her kitchen everyday after teachings i'm always famished. I don't know why though I've always been like this. Apparently i'm adopted by these really nice older elves who like me for me and not because i'm one of the generals daughters who in which died in the war against the dragons. That was the worst war my family has ever seen they say. I' m excited to find out that i'm related to the most famous general of all time. My mother found me in a dwarf field close to where the general died and i was wearing one of his crescents that were a gift. They say that he wore them all the time. That he never took them off. No one knows why. They say that they just appeared out of no where. He had them looked at by a professionals, but they said they weren't from our realm and he never wondered where they were from. If that was me i would be looking everywhere and asking everybody if they've seen them or if anybody seen them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

TOP 10 Music Mix

TOP 30 
30. Already home by A Great Big World
29. Sirens by Cher Lloyd
28. On my Way by
27. You and I by John Legend(nobody in the world)
26.Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue;_ylt=AwrBT8n54yJUYB4AehpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzYjN0NjdoBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1NNRTMzOF8x
25. Gitana by Shakira
24. Pompeii by Bastille 
23.Grind on me by Pretty Ricky
22. Crash my party by Luke Bryan
21. Drink a beer by Luke Bryan
20.Gas Pedal by Sage the Gemini
19. First Love by Jennifer Lopez
18. Photograph by Nickel back 
17. Lips of an Angel by Hinder
16. Don't hold the wall by Justin Timberlake 
15. More Love by Chris Brown with Nikki Minji
14. Timber by Pit bull and Ke$ha
13. Rock star by Nickel back  
12. Shower by Becky G 
11. Far away by Hinder 
10. Black widow by Iggy Azalea
9. Back to December by Taylor Swift
8. Shake it off by Taylor Swift
7. Beat this Summer by Brad Paisley
6. Lego House by Ed Sheeran
5.4. Wasting all these tears by Cassadee Pope  
3. Problem by Ariana Grande
2. Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer
1.I see fire by Ed Sheeran

Monday, September 22, 2014

Which 5 movie characters or TV characters would I want to fall in love with?

If I could fall in love with 5 movie characters or TV characters! Who would they be? Well my first choice would be Styles off of Teen Wolf. The reason would be because of how he so smart and he doesn't know it. He is always trying to make things better than it seems. He also encourages people o to do the right thing no matter what the cost is. I love how he loves to take a chance and not be afraid of whats to come.  The second choice would be Liam off of Teen Wolf. He's not afraid to show his fears to anybody. But he's insecure about his self and how he can't control his shifting yet. My third choice would have to be Damon Salvatore off the TV show The Vampire Diaries. He's dangerous, outgoing, and I love how he tries to keep his emotions under control. No matter what you do he can't resist loving you. He always comes back to you and I love that about him. Well the fourth choice is Alec Lightwood from The Immortal Instruments. He may be gay but boy is he hot. His hair is amazingly gorgeous. He has attitude that you just can't get rid of. He speaks his mind when he wants to. He's not afraid to say something that might hurt somebody. I am in love with Green Arrow off of Arrow the TV show. I love how he has to fulfill what his father wanted even though he has to kill people to do that. I love how he likes to safe incident citizens. And cute as heck!!! OH and how he used to be a rich boy who couldn't get past the money, but now he's changed from coming back from the island. He's strong to hold up what his father created and he wants to correct and destroy what they did.